
The SWORN TRANSLATION is an official translation of a document intended for the authority that obtains legal quality through the act of asseveration.

The translator swears in court or before the Justice of the Peace or by a Notary, that he has faithfully proceeded with the operations with the sole purpose of making the truth known.

A Sworn Translation is required abroad in order for the Italian document to have legal value.



A sworn translation or sworn translation is an official translation of a document intended for the authority that obtains legal quality through the act of sworn translation.

The translator swears before the Justice of the Peace or official of the Sworn Office that he has faithfully proceeded with the operations with the sole purpose of making the truth known.

The false affidavit of the facts reported in the translation is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code, for which the translator is directly liable.

To certify or swear a translation, it is necessary to bind the documents in the following order:

The copy or original of the document being translated.

The translation of the document that must be sworn.

The oath record.

The sworn or sworn translation consists of:

Original text or true copy of the original, but also from a photocopy thereof if the original is not expressly requested by the foreign authority.

Translation signed by the translator.

Sworn report, which consists of a model that the Court or Justice of the Peace provides. The form must be completed by the translator and then signed in front of the authority at the time of the oath.

Apostille/ Legalization if the document is intended for abroad.

The official shall affix the connecting stamps between all the pages of all the papers which then constitute a single document.

After the official’s stamp, the revenue stamp will be added along with a stamp.

A Sworn Translation is required when it is necessary to credit the legal value of the Italian document that is to be used in a foreign country, whether for corporate or commercial needs, or for personal reasons.

In detail, a sworn translation is necessary when it comes to the translation of certificates, notarial deeds and legal documents.

Basically, all the documents that legally certify the information reported.

Sworn Translation is also required for personal documents, such as university documents, as well as financial documents such as bank statements, balance sheets, reporting, and tax documents such as INPS declarations, income statements, insurance or professional certifications.

The sworn translation deed must take place before the notary or the registrar.

A revenue stamp of 16.00 euros must be affixed to the translation every four pages, starting from the first side.

Only the document to be translated is exempt from the revenue stamp.

25 lines is the limit per sheet, otherwise it is necessary to declare at the bottom the number of lines that make up the final paper. If the number of lines is greater than 100, an additional revenue stamp must be affixed to the 101st line.

The time validity of the sworn translation depends on the expiry date of the original document.

For example, criminal records such as criminal records and pending charges or other identification documents such as passport, identity card, are valid for a period of time.

Therefore, when the deadline is reached, these documents will lose their validity and consequently also the related sworn translation.

It is often the case that you need to translate a document from English into Arabic, for example.

In this case, it is not possible to do a direct translation, but the procedure will first follow the translation from English to Italian and then from Italian to Arabic.

The document will have to be translated twice and will result in a doubling of the price of the sworn translation.

When the translator takes an oath at the Registry of the Court, before the Justice of the Peace or before the Notary, he or she is carrying out what we call a sworn or sworn translation.

Through this procedure, the translator assumes criminal and civil responsibility for what he has translated, declaring his competence and “swearing” that he has carried out the task of translating faithful to the original with the sole purpose of making the truth known.

The act of asseveration must necessarily take place within the Court of reference, at the Sworn Registry Office, by the Notary, or by the Justice of the Peace.

The sworn deed is formalized on the same day.

The oath report is the document issued by the court of reference that must be completed and signed by the translator registered in the register with which he performs the act of sworn statement, assuming civil and criminal responsibility for what he has translated.

At this

you can download the oath report provided by the Court of Milan.

Sworn translations

Certified translation, unlike sworn translation, is not accepted in all countries, it is not taken to court.

Certified translation can only be carried out by a professional translator registered with the Register of the Court or the Chamber of Commerce.

Certified Translation is usually carried out for Report Cards, Qualifications and Diplomas and Curriculum Vitae destined for abroad, registration in the register.

Generally, certified translation is required by English-speaking countries such as England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the United States, but also by South Korea.

Sometimes, in some rather specific cases, this kind of translation can also be requested by other countries, especially when it is necessary to present a translation with legal value but a sworn translation is not considered necessary.

To be a Sworn Translator it is necessary to be registered in the Register of Experts of a Court.

In addition to a perfect command of foreign languages, the sworn translator must have an excellent knowledge of legal regulations.


InfoVisa , Consular Visa and Legalization Services Agency Documents with many years of experience in the sector, performs sworn translations into the main foreign languages.

dichiarazione di valore

Why InfoVisas for your Sworn Translation?

By relying on the industriousness of InfoVisa, you will obtain accurate, reliable and complete assistance, from sworn translation to consular legalization of apostilled documents through presentation at destination foreign consulates and up to delivery both in Italy and abroad with the help of the main couriers.

In addition, InfoVisti offers the service of requesting and obtaining original documents to be translated, submitted and delivered.

You can turn to InfoVisti for a specific consular service or even for comprehensive support.

Read more at InfoVisti

InfoVisti: Certified Service

InfoVisti employs the professional expertise and years of experience of highly qualified translators.

InfoVisti’s translation and proofreading work method is clear and rigorous, and the resources engaged have specific experience in the field and are constantly trained and updated.

The quality of services offered has enabled InfoVisti to obtain two important certifications of excellence: ISO 9001 Quality System and UNI ISO 17100 .

Sworn Translation: The Documents

Corporate Documents

•Minutes of Shareholders’ Meetings
• Company Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association
•Chamber of Commerce certificate

Commercial Documents

•Documents entering into contracts
•Agency Contracts
•Quality Certificates

Legal Documents

•Notarial powers of attorney
•Disposal of shares
•Acts of appointment
•Court documents
•Notarial deeds

Personal Documents

•Birth certificate
•Marriage certificate
•Qualification, Degree, Diploma, Master’s Degree, specialization courses
•Certificate of criminal record and pending charges.

Technical and Scientific Documents

•Ministerial certificates
•Technical manuals
•ISO certified (…)

Pharmaceutical Documents

•Aifa Certificates
•Ministerial authorisations

InfoVisti also carries out sworn translation from a foreign language into Italian

The foreign document requires an Apostille or Legalization to have legal validity and always in Italy it is necessary to carry out the Sworn Translation into Italian.

InfoVisti offers a sworn translation service for documents obtained abroad that must be valid in Italy.

A sworn translation of a document into Italian may be required in the citizenship application or in the applications for a residence permit.

Click here for more information on our immigration services.

Sworn Translation: Languages